Indian Ocean Naval Base Diego Garcia – Launchpad To Attack Iran

Indian Ocean Naval Base Diego Garcia Launchpad to attack Iran

The Indian Ocean island Naval Base of Diego Garcia is the key launchpad for United States in case of an attack on Iran in the wake of the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike. Pentagon has send six B-52 strategic bombers to military base on Diego Garcia that is beyond the […]

2019 Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Shooting

2019 Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Shooting

On 4th December 2019, the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard at Hawaii, United States was targeted by a lone gunman in a mass shooting resulting in the deaths of two Pentagon employess and injuring one.[toc] The gunman was identified as a US Navy sailor assigned to USS Columbia (SSN 771). As per US Navy official Lydia […]

Kurds & Kurdistan – A Geopolitical Perspective

Kurds & Kurdistan - A Geopolitical Perspective

Who are the Kurds? Why should the overthrow of the Syrian government be their objective? Are they on a quest for Kurdistan or are they just pawns in the game of geopolitical players? What are the implications of the Turkish Operation Peace Spring for India? Historical accounts of the Kurds and Kurdistan have been a […]

Operation Timber Sycamore – The Shadow War In Syria

Operation Timber Sycamore

Operation Timber Sycamore is the codename of a covert operation officially authorized by Obama in June 2013 to train and equip the anti-Assad rebellion, but which actually started in October 2011, when the CIA was operating via Britain’s MI6 to avoid having to notify Congress that it was arming the rebels in Syria. Originally, the CIA and MI6 (the British foreign intelligence […]

Russo American Alliance Against Deep State

Russo American Alliance against Deep State

Russian mercenaries are reportedly on the ground supporting renegade General Khalifa Haftar known as ‘CIA’s man in Libya’ against the United Nations backed Government of National Accord – in what is now being called as the Russo American Alliance against the Deep State.[toc] More than 100 mercenaries from the Wagner group headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, […]

Disrupting The Old World Order

Disrupting the Old World Order

The old order of the world is being disrupted – with all its systems and structures being shaken to the foundations. Built on the exploitation and annihilation of native cultures, this destruction is being projected as a heroic struggle for the liberation of the world from tyranny. A century ago one such plot was launched […]

Is Malala Yousafzai A CIA Project?

Is Malala Yousafzai A CIA Project

The attack on Malala Yousafzai evoked worldwide condemnation. From US President Barack Obama to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, all condemned the attack. The question is: why is Malala given so much prominence when other attacks on girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan go virtually unnoticed? Was Malala used for a larger US plan? Is Malala […]

French Election Hit By Information Warfare

The French Election now seems to look more like Marine Le Pen vs a collapsing French establishment. Already, four established candidates for the presidency — two former presidents and two former prime ministers — have after being hit by Hillary-like scandal backed out or been rejected by the voters. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has […]

Eurozone Crisis & Its Impact On India

Euro was created as a common currency initially among the first twelve European nations and then expanded in to others. The efforts for the European common market currency started post 1950 as an effort by the marginalized European colonial powers who after World War II saw the rise of United States as a world financial […]

Fight For Turkey – The Gateway To India

Coup In The Mad Sultan’s Palace An article published in March on the American Enterprise Institute’s website titled Could there be a coup in Turkey?, considered the possibility of a military coup transpiring in Turkey. Its author, David Rubin, explains Turkey’s predicament: The situation in Turkey is bad and getting worse. It’s not just the […]