
We're No One's Proxy - Serbia Tells NATO 1

We’re No One’s Proxy – Serbia Tells NATO

Former US and NATO general Wesley Clark recently accused Serbia of being a puppet for Russia and said President Vucic wanted to expand Serbia’s borders. President Vucic fired back: “To Mr. Clark and everyone else, it’s obvious Serbia isn’t anyone’s puppet—not Russia’s, not America’s, and never will be.” Vucic also

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How Russia Saved The United States Twice 1

How Russia Saved The United States Twice

On July 4, 1776, amidst the American Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence was signed, declaring 13 colonies free from British rule and emphasizing fundamental rights like life, liberty, and happiness. This set a global precedent for democracy, influencing nations like France and Russia. During the war, despite initial setbacks,

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Is Abhay Mudra Prevalent in Islam and Christianity?

Is Abhay Mudra Prevalent in Islam and Christianity?

July 4, 2024 Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha, recently stirred controversy by discussing the “Abhay Mudra” during his speech. The Abhay Mudra, a hand gesture symbolizing fearlessness and protection in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Indian religions, became a focal point of his address. Gandhi

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You Can Buy Winston Churchill’s London Home For $24.8M 1

You Can Buy Winston Churchill’s London Home For $24.8M

Winston Churchill’s London residence, located at 27 Hyde Park Gate, is on the market for $24.8 million. Churchill purchased it in 1946 for $310,595, converting it into his primary London abode until his death in 1965. The historic London residence of Prime Minister Winston Churchill is listed for about $24.8

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25,000 Artifacts Unearthed In Historic Saudi Arabia City 1

25,000 Artifacts Unearthed In Historic Saudi Arabia City

According to the Jeddah Historic District Program, over 25,000 artifacts were unearthed in the historic Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah. In the second-biggest Saudi city, archaeologists have found some 25,000 antiquities. According to the Jeddah Historic District Program (JHD), the discoveries include more than 11,400 ceramic fragments, more than 11,300

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