Category: Healthcare

When C Rajagopalachari Exposed Boston Consulting Group Vaccination Campaign Propaganda

When C Rajagopalachari Exposed BCG Vaccination Campaign Propaganda

In 1954 Halfdan Mahler, the WHO senior medical officer, pushed to reinvigorate the BCG vaccination campaign in Madras State, which had suffered setback due to massive opposition. One of the major reason for this setback was due to the resignation of the Chief Minister in the state, Chakravarti Rajagopalachari. Simply

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WHO's Oral Vaccine Sparks New Polio Outbreak In Africa

WHO’s Oral Vaccine Sparks New Polio Outbreak In Africa

A week after World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that its decade-long vaccination campaign in Africa was successful, its own oral vaccine itself has sparked a new Polio outbreak in the continent. The outbreak has been caused by mutation of strain in vaccine. A new polio outbreak in Sudan has been linked to

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How Self Reliant Is Indian Food Policy

How Self Reliant Is India’s Food Policy?

The entire nation is abuzz with the concept of “Self Reliant India”, the Prime Minister of India just learned from the Coronavirus crisis. We are glad atleast now the importance of self reliance is being openly talked about, if not implemented yet. For any nation to be a Superpower, the

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How Bill Gates Infiltrated Global Health

How Bill Gates Infiltrated Global Health

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has been in the news recently for earmarking “billions” to fight COVID-19 and getting their accounts hacked  and sensitive information leaked – the foundation was in charge of assets worth a little under $48 billion as of the end of 2018. But little

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