Gun Control

AI Ammo Vending Machines Now Dispensing Bullets In Supermarkets 1

AI Ammo Vending Machines Now Dispensing Bullets In Supermarkets

In Alabama and Oklahoma, select supermarkets are installing AI-powered vending machines that dispense ammunition alongside groceries like milk and eggs. American Rounds, the company behind these machines, says they use facial recognition and ID scanning to ensure buyers are 21 or older. These machines operate 24/7, allowing customers to purchase

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How Mexico’s $10B Lawsuit Could Redefine U.S. Gun Laws 1

How Mexico’s $10B Lawsuit Could Redefine U.S. Gun Laws

Mexico has filed a $10 billion lawsuit against major U.S. gun manufacturers, accusing them of flooding their country with firearms used by drug cartels. Despite initial dismissal, a U.S. appeals court revived the case, allowing Mexico to proceed. The lawsuit claims these companies knowingly contributed to illegal gun trafficking, exploiting

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The Most Popular Shotguns In America  1

The Most Popular Shotguns In America 

A recent study by 24/7 Wall St. has revealed the most popular shotguns in America, with Maverick Arms (Mossberg) topping the list. The main cause of Americans’ panic purchase of firearms over the past few years has been self-defense. Law-abiding residents have been forced to purchase pistols, rifles, and shotguns

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