
Operation Swords Of Iron

Operation Swords Of Iron – What You Need To Know

After the attack by Hamas in southern Israel this morning, Israel launched Operation Swords of Iron, which involved launching between 2,000 and 5,000 rockets. Table of ContentsHistorical ContextIsrael-Jordan Peace TreatyIsrael – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Peace InitiativeGaza’s ImportanceKey DevelopmentsChallenges and Future ProspectsPeace with PalestiniansThe Iran FactorRecent Occurrences in GazaIsraeli

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How NATO Weapons Are Killing Israelis

NATO weapons that were given to Ukraine were used to kill Israelis by Hamas in the assaults carried out on military and civilian sites in southern Israel. An AK-47 assault rifle has long been thought of as the go-to weapon for terrorists (or, depending on your point of view, freedom

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The Plot To Throw Donald Trump Into Iraqi Prison

The plot to throw Donald Trump into Iraqi prisons grows stronger as Supreme Judicial Council President Faiq Zidan, who issued an arrest warrant, is invited by the Department of Justice. According to the U.S. government, the Department of Justice (DOJ) planned to extend a warm welcome to an Iraqi judge

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How Hamas Attack Revealed Iron Dome’s Inefficiency

Russian military historian and director of the Museum of Air Defense Forces, Yuri Knutov, said that the Hamas attack revealed the Iron Dome’s inefficiency. Table of ContentsWhat Does Iron Dome Do?Israeli Intelligence Services’ Failure & Merkava Fiasco The Iron Dome air defense system, developed by Israel, is widely recognized as

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What’s Behind New Gaza War 2023

Hamas is an organization that Israel has designated as a terrorist entity and is behind the new Gaza War in 2023 after the launch of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. Table of ContentsWhat are the Reasons for New Escalation?World Players Call for Halting HostilitiesIs Hamas Using Ukrainian Weapons?How Could Hamas’ Attack Affect

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The Secret Meeting That Created United Nations – Dumbarton Oaks Conference

The Dumbarton Oaks Conference, or more formally the Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization, was a global gathering where ideas for the creation of a “general international organization,” which would later become the United Nations, were developed and negotiated. The United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union,

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Was The Yom Kippur War Planned By The Russians?

Dr. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, associate associates at the Truman Institute at Hebrew University, argue that the Yom Kippur War was planned by the Russians. The Soviet Union opposed the Egyptian-Syrian onslaught that started the Yom Kippur War in 1973, according to the historical narrative that has prevailed. The

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US Taxpayers Funding Designer Knitwear Company in Ukraine

According to the German-registered nonprofit “Transparency International,” money from US taxpayers is being used to fund a designer knitwear company in Ukraine. According to a US investigation, American taxpayers’ hard-earned money is allegedly financing small companies in Ukraine, including a designer knitwear company, as the US continues to pump enormous

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