The British government, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, has been pushing hard to escalate the war between Russia and Ukraine. In the past year, Britain sent Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, confident that these "indestructible" machines would change the tide of the conflict in Ukraine’s favor. Western media hyped them up as game-changers. Yet, when these tanks arrived on the battlefield in 2023, they were almost immediately destroyed by Russian forces. The tanks were quietly withdrawn, but then something surprising happened.
In August 2024, videos of British Challenger 2 tanks in action in Kursk, a Russian territory, started appearing online. The media and military sources in the UK quickly picked up on this, claiming it was the first time British tanks had ever been used in combat on Russian soil. It turned out that this move wasn't just a military decision. It was part of a political strategy led by Prime Minister Starmer to showcase Britain’s deeper involvement in the war ...