
Xi Credited With San Francisco Homeless Cleanup

Xi has been credited with the San Francisco Homeless Cleanup because, due to his arrival at this week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders’ summit, the administration in San Francisco has decided to clean house and take action against the city’s infamous homelessness. Critics claim that the Democratic-led municipal administration in

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Nations That Do Not Recognize Palestine And Israel

Using data from Wikipedia, Visual Capitalist has mapped the nations that do not recognize Palestine and Israel. The recent confrontation between Israel and Hamas has placed the Gaza Strip and the State of Palestine, which is only partially recognized, front and center in the world press. Bruno Venditti of Visual

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Israeli Intelligence Foils Hezbollah’s Plan To Attack Brazil

According to a tweet by PM Netanyahu’s office, Israeli Intelligence Mossad, along with Brazil’s Federal Police, foiled Hezbollah’s plan to attack Brazil. Israel’s secret agency, the Mossad, worked with Brazil’s Federal Police to stop Hezbollah-planned terrorist strikes. Two people who were connected to the terrorist organization were taken into custody

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Israel Doesn’t Have Right To Self-Defense Claims UN Commissioner

Francesca Albanese, from the office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, claimed that Israel doesn’t have the right to self-defense. Using technicalities, a UN official referred to as a “commissioner” asserts that Israel lacks the right to defend itself against the whereabouts of the Hamas terrorists, who massacred

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Biden Sabotage India’s Tejas Fighter Jet

According to Air Marshal M. Matheswaran, the former Deputy Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff, Biden sabotage India’s Tejas Fighter Jet by delaying the delivery of the engines. In August, General Electric committed to supply 99 F-404 GE-IN20 engines to power LCA Tejas Mk-1A fighter planes. However, it appears that

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Russia Achieves Nuclear Supremacy – For the First Time In History

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev at the VDNKh in Moscow said that for the first time in history, Russia has achieved nuclear supremacy. Speaking at the ‘Knowledge’ track of the International Russia EXPO Forum and Exhibition at the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKh) in Moscow, the country’s top security official

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The Next Few Years Will Determine The Future World Order

President Biden said that the next few years will determine the future world order, ahead of a meeting with President Gabriel Boric of Chile on Thursday. US President Joe Biden has stated that the world is at a crossroads and that what happens in the coming years will define its

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