The narrative that the Biden administration is pushing is that they have "launched a whole-of-government effort to protect reproductive rights." But what it potentially could be is a $2.6 billion "gender equality" request that might fund abortions in foreign countries including India.
An announcement was made by the the State Department stating that the US will issue gender neutral passports with a third 'X' gender on Transgender Day of Visibility.
A total of 7.2 percent of U.S. adults identified as LGBT in 2022, a new record high.
The nation's top early childhood development organization, which has received more than $230 million in federal funds since 2008, claims that children as young as two years old can show signs of "transgender identity" and encourages educators to "use tenets of Critical Race Theory" when they work with newborns.
According to a recently conducted study, gender-confused teens committed suicide after taking trans hormones from researchers.
According to a report by the Center for Family and Human Rights, 22 countries have united to stop the Biden administration from imposing pro-LGBT sex education on children. Traditional countries have united to oppose...
On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill into law that prohibits sex reassignment surgeries. The legislation aims to impose stricter regulations on what lawmakers refer to as the "transgender industry" and effectively bans legal sex...
A California mother is pursuing legal action after her seventh-grade daughter was subjected to "predatory" and "grooming" behavior by teachers and school administrators in order to brainwash her into identifying as transgender.
The Healthcare Equality Index, funded by Pfizer and PhRMA, pushed radical gender ideology on American hospitals by awarding points for all the policies Children's National implemented. It was 2019 when Beth Rempe, then a...
According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP), it has been found that transgender surgery offers no mental health benefits, as indicated by the new study. Transgender surgery, also known...