Gender Identity

russia bans sex change

Russia Bans Sex Change In A Big Blow To Western Woke Industry

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill into law that prohibits sex reassignment surgeries. The legislation aims to impose stricter regulations on what lawmakers refer to as the “transgender industry” and effectively bans legal sex changes and medical interventions related to transitioning, unless deemed medically necessary. Under the

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Transgender Surgery Offers NO Mental Health Benefits, New Study

According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP), it has been found that transgender surgery offers no mental health benefits, as indicated by the new study. Transgender surgery, also known as “gender-affirming surgery,” does not reduce the demand for mental health services, according to a study conducted by

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It’s The Transgender Funding, Stupid.

The Democrats and Democrat-adjacent organizations were looking for a new way to galvanize their base and solicit funding, and transgender funding was the answer. Republicans were frankly the last to catch on. A common galvanizing trope among progressives claims the good and open-minded among us are in a constant battle

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How Pfizer Pushed Radical Gender Ideology On American Hospitals

The Healthcare Equality Index, funded by Pfizer and PhRMA, pushed radical gender ideology on American hospitals by awarding points for all the policies Children’s National implemented. It was 2019 when Beth Rempe, then a nurse at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., first noticed the change. Doctors were wearing pins

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Two Youths Commit Suicide In Taxpayer-Funded Cross-Sex Hormone Study

According to a January article by researchers published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), two youths committed suicide in a taxpayer-funded cross-sex hormone study. Lawmakers are demanding answers after the suicide deaths of two young people involved in a transgender hormone study funded by the National Institutes of

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