Food Security

Fake Meat Linked To Heart Disease, Early Death - New Study 1

Fake Meat Linked To Heart Disease, Early Death – New Study

A new study published on Monday in The Lancet Regional Health — Europe, led by Renata Levy from the University of São Paulo, links ultra-processed plant-based foods to heart disease and early death. Do you want to prolong your life and lessen your chances of chronic illness while also benefiting

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The State Of World Hunger 1

The State Of World Hunger

The latest FAO report highlights the persistent issue of world hunger, with Africa facing the most significant challenges. Despite progress in some regions, hunger rates are projected to rise in Africa by 2030. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) released its most recent report for 2022,

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Here’s Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared 1

Here’s Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared

Amidst historical prosperity, most Americans remain unprepared for the looming threat of famine, lacking essential skills and infrastructure resilience, despite recent awakenings to economic instability and growing interest in survivalists. This reality is underscored by the dire situation in North Korea, where human rights activists, as reported by GreatGameIndia, report

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12 Fruits And Vegetables With The Most Pesticides 1

12 Fruits And Vegetables With The Most Pesticides

The Environmental Working Group, a charity dedicated to improving environmental health, has ranked the top 12 fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides. A healthy diet must include a variety of fruits and vegetables, but it’s also critical that they be safe to eat, which means free of pesticides, pollution,

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Japan’s Prime Minister Eats Radioactive Fish From Fukushima Waters

Economic and Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura told the press that in order to inform people both at home and abroad about the food’s safety, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida ate radioactive fish from Fukushima waters. Fumio Kishida, the prime minister of Japan, ate fish from the waters off Fukushima with

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Doctors Warn Of The ‘Hidden Harms’ Of Bioengineered Foods

Dr. Haider said, adding that the ‘Hidden Harms’ of bioengineered foods include the potential for the food itself to be toxic, cause allergic reactions, or promote antibiotic resistance. Doctors are alerting customers to potential “hidden harms” in the meals they buy as the number of bioengineered foods and substances on

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