
Shock Study: Giving Americans $1,000 A Month Makes Them Work Less 1

Shock Study: Giving Americans $1,000 A Month Makes Them Work Less

A new study (view below) shows that giving Americans $1,000 a month makes them work less and earn less over time. The research, which tracked 3,000 people for three years, found that while recipients enjoyed more leisure time, their overall income dropped because they worked fewer hours and didn’t improve

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The Climate War On Cows 1

The Climate War On Cows

The nefarious agenda sweeping across the world under the guise of “climate change” through “sustainable development” is a two-edged sword. One is the anti-animal/anti-human ideology, and the other is the corporate takeover of our global food supply. At a certain point, they became interwoven, the “war on beef” was born

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Are You Earning Enough? Compare Your Salary To Global Averages 1

Are You Earning Enough? Compare Your Salary To Global Averages

Explore how salaries vary drastically across 30 OECD countries in this eye-opening analysis. Visualized by Marcus Lu for Visual Capitalist, the data reveals surprising disparities from Luxembourg’s lavish earnings to Mexico’s stark contrasts. Adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), the findings showcase top-paying nations like the U.S. and Switzerland, where

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The Collapse Of Italian Auto Production 1

The Collapse Of Italian Auto Production

Stellantis, a major car manufacturer in Italy, faced a significant drop in production during the first half of the year, down 25% compared to last year. The decline was especially sharp at plants like Melfi and Mirafiori, where production fell by as much as 63%. Delays in government subsidies for

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How IMF Bankers Have Held Kenya Hostage 1

How IMF Bankers Have Held Kenya Hostage

In Kenya, ongoing protests against tax hikes have put the spotlight on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its controversial role in the country’s debt crisis. Demonstrators accuse the IMF of imposing harsh loan conditions that hurt the poor, while the government struggles with a massive debt inherited from previous

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The Secret Economics Of Hosting The Olympics 1

The Secret Economics Of Hosting The Olympics

Hosting the Olympics, as seen with Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028, often sparks debates on its true economic impact. Despite grand promises, the Games frequently strain city budgets, leaving taxpayers to foot hefty bills. Everyone seems to like the Olympics. Every two years, people rally behind their country’s athletes

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Top 10 Countries Raking In Billions From U.S. Aid Revealed 1

Top 10 Countries Raking In Billions From U.S. Aid Revealed

The article reveals how the U.S. distributes billions of dollars in foreign aid to different countries. In fiscal year 2022, Ukraine received the largest amount, $11.2 billion, primarily due to the Russian invasion. Israel followed with $3.3 billion, consistent over several years and mostly allocated to security-related purposes. The data,

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