Everything that is being done in America now, was implemented systematically by South Africa long back. South Africa ims the first modern nation to be refounded on the principles of Critical Race Theory, and now the project seems to have dramatically failed. 
George Soros is funneling $1 million to support defunding the police, as violent crime spiked across America.
The World Economic Forum, the exclusive talk shop that meets yearly in Davos, is at it again, this time looking to drive a wedge between the races. This begs the question: Why are capitalists so gung-ho about ‘Marxist’ ideology?
The nation's top early childhood development organization, which has received more than $230 million in federal funds since 2008, claims that children as young as two years old can show signs of "transgender identity" and encourages educators to "use tenets of Critical Race Theory" when they work with newborns.
Stanford published a list of harmful words. It states that there are alternatives to the terms "racist, violent, and biased" that are utilized. The program will eliminate the offensive language from its webpages and IT systems.
New York City has agreed to pay more than $20,000 each to hundreds of individuals who were trapped by police and attacked with batons and pepper spray during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx.