The Triumph Of Natural Immunity

The Triumph Of Natural Immunity

A new CDC study (read below) shows that around 75% of American children have already had covid. That means that they have strong natural immunity that protects them from covid infections as they get older. Despite this, the CDC, the FDA and other government agencies are pushing all of them to get vaccinated.

Bill Gates Comments On Novak Djokovic Vaccine Stance

Bill Gates Comments On Novak Djokovic Vaccine Stance

Djokovic was deported from Australia earlier this year after getting engaged in a visa and immunization scandal. The public figure now finds himself as the topic of a Bill Gates interview where he commented on Novak Djokovic’s vaccine stance.

How Covid Lockdowns Came To Italy

How Covid Lockdowns Came To Italy

In Snake Oil, I detail the evidence that the Chinese Communist Party used multiple modes of influence including online propaganda, mainstream media, and fraudulent “science” to popularize lockdown policies that were unprecedented in the western world. But for many, one big question remains: Yes, this may all be true, but what about Italy?

COVID-19 Vaccine Can Trigger Acute Hepatitis: Case Report

COVID-19 Vaccine Can Trigger Acute Hepatitis: Case Report

Within the T cells that were discovered in the liver, scientists found an enrichment of T cells that are reactive to SARS-CoV-2. A case report revealing that the COVID-19 vaccine can trigger acute hepatitis discloses information previously unknown.