Fauci’s Covid Disaster: A Summary

Fauci’s Covid Disaster A Summary

News that Dr. Anthony Fauci is finally leaving his post after what seemed like an endless reign at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases should be a time for celebration.

Jared Kushner And The Mystery Of The First US Lockdown

Jared Kushner And The Mystery Of The First US Lockdown

The possibility of US lockdowns – never attempted on this scale in the history of pandemics – was already in the air in early March 2020. The theory of lockdown had been floating around for 15 years but now China was first to try it, and claim enormous success, however fraudulently.

Moderna Sues Pfizer For Stealing mRNA Technology

Moderna Sues Pfizer For Stealing mRNA Technology

The U.S. FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in December 2020. A week later, authorities approved Moderna’s vaccine’s emergency use. Now, Moderna is suing Pfizer for stealing the mRNA technology.

Why Your Yoga Instructor Is Smarter Than Your Doctor

Why Your Yoga Instructor Is Smarter Than Your Doctor

I dabble in street art. I do paintings on large pieces of plywood that I scavenge from construction-site dumpsters. I display some of these at the community gardens I manage in New Brunswick, NJ. Using long, star-bit screws to make them hard to remove, I fasten others to abandoned buildings in the city. Sometimes other males spray paint over, or find ways to dislodge, these. But some works have long remained, undamaged, where I posted them. One has been plainly visible alongside a busy intersection for five years. By now, tens of thousands of people must have seen it. Unless you’re texting while you wait at the traffic light, it’s hard to miss.

Why You Shouldn’t Take The Novavax Vaccine – Dr. Pierre Kory

Why You Shouldn’t Take The Novavax Vaccine - Dr. Pierre Kory

Accepting an injection of spike protein in the hopes that it will be secure or efficient is ludicrous. However, many are once more compelled to make a choice that jeopardizes their health and capacity to provide for their families. This is why you shouldn’t take the Novavax vaccine, according to Dr. Pierre Kory.