Coronavirus COVID19

COVID-19 Altered The Global Strategic Balance

COVID-19 Altered The Global Strategic Balance

The COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated the potential of a virus as a weapon of mass destruction. It has added a new dimension to alter the global strategic balance and triggered another chain of events for global strategic dominance, besides unprecedented human sufferings. During the First and Second World Wars era,

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Paste Of Black Cats Sold As Coronavirus Remedy in Vietnam

Paste Of Black Cats Sold As Coronavirus Remedy in Vietnam

It’s very bad luck to be a black cat in Vietnam, where the poor animals are being killed and eaten amid rumors their ground-up bodies can treat the coronavirus, animal rights activists said. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus)

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How US Funds Were Diverted To Engineer Coronavirus At Wuhan Lab

How US Funds Were Diverted To Engineer Coronavirus At Wuhan Lab

It has come to light that American tax-dollars were used to fund controversial gain-of-function research, which is the ability of a virus to jump from animals to humans. The project backed-up by Dr. Anthony Fauci diverted US funds to engineer Coronavirus at Wuhan lab via a company now under federal

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How Bill Gates Infiltrated Global Health

How Bill Gates Infiltrated Global Health

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has been in the news recently for earmarking “billions” to fight COVID-19 and getting their accounts hacked  and sensitive information leaked – the foundation was in charge of assets worth a little under $48 billion as of the end of 2018. But little

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Dr Fauci Funded Wuhan Virus Experiments - Former NY Mayor

Dr Fauci Funded Wuhan Virus Experiments – Former NY Mayor

Former Mayor of New York City in an interview claimed that Dr Fauci funded Wuhan virus experiments which were prohibited by the US government for being dangerous. He claimed Dr. Fauci gave $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory where suspicious experiments were conducted and demanded for an investigation to be

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The Cure That Time Forgot

The Cure That Time Forgot

In the wake of strict lockdown being imposed by governments globally, it bears upon the common people, thinkers, researchers and scientists to question whether such methods are indeed correct and singularly helpful in combating the outbreak of COVID-19. While the World Health Organization and vested interests are busy pushing cartelized

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Mysterious Pneumonia Kills 11,000 Birds In Germany

Mysterious Pneumonia Kills 11,000 Birds In Germany

A mysterious Pneumonia has killed more than 11,000 birds in Germany. Thousands of blue tits have been found sick or dead in Germany, prompting an investigation by conservation groups and scientists. Symptoms of the diseased birds include breathing problems, no longer taking food and making no attempt to escape when

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Ultraviolet Light Technology To Treat Coronavirus

Ultraviolet Light Technology To Treat Coronavirus

Americans are working on an ultraviolet light technology as a potential treatment for Coronavirus, now known as “the cure that time forgot”. The Healight Platform Technology (“Healight”) discovered and developed by scientists at Cedars-Sinai, is being studied as a potential first-in-class treatment for coronavirus and other respiratory infections. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon –

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