Genetically Modified Strain Of Monkeypox Kills 250 Million People In War Game Simulation Prompting New Pandemic Warning

Genetically Modified Strain Of Monkeypox Kills 250 Million People In War Game Simulation Prompting New Pandemic Warning

Experts have recently raised concerns about the growing dangers posed by the production of deadly diseases in laboratories, which could be unleashed into the wild either accidentally or deliberately by unscrupulous actors. Meanwhile, a report (read full report below) has warned of a new pandemic warning after 250 million people died of a genetically modified strain of monkeypox in a war game simulation similar to Event-201 conducted just before COVID-19 hit the world.

Documents Reveal Pentagon Plans To Use Ukraine Biolabs To Attack Russia

Documents Reveal Pentagon Plans To Use Ukraine Biolabs To Attack Russia

Allegations of Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine have long been dismissed by Washington as Russian disinformation. But as more information comes to light including documents revealing Pentagons plan to use Ukraine biolabs to attack Russia, it becomes increasingly complicated to keep denying the charges.

Russia Claims US Tested Experimental Drugs On Ukrainian Soldiers

Although Ukraine wasn’t the first nation to be utilized for US military-backed pharmaceutical studies, it certainly is the most prominent in the current geopolitical scenario. Documents regarding the activities of such labs have been made public by Russia claiming that the US tested experimental drugs on Ukrainian soldiers.