Bangladesh Coup 2024

The Secret US’s Plan To Destabilize Bangladesh And India

A dramatic and complex situation is unfolding in Bangladesh, where student protests have spiraled into violent unrest, seemingly orchestrated by external forces. What started as a demand for job quota changes has evolved into a broader movement seeking to topple Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The unrest is now believed to

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How US Policies Could Turn Bangladesh into the Next Afghanistan

Bangladesh, the third-largest Muslim country, is at a critical juncture as it approaches its January 2024 general election amidst rising fears of an Islamist takeover. Radical groups like the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), and Hefazat-e-Islam (HeI) are gaining ground, potentially turning the nation into a neo-Taliban state. Concerns

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The Grenade Attack That Shook Bangladesh

The grenade attack on 21 August 2004 aimed to wipe out the entire leadership of the Awami League, leaving a dark stain on Bangladesh’s history. Despite 24 people dying and many, including current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, suffering severe injuries, justice remains elusive after nearly two decades. The trial has

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How Hunter Biden Plans to Disrupt Bangladesh Elections

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami are reportedly plotting against Bangladesh’s ruling Awami League by hiring Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, as a lobbyist through Blue Star Strategies. This move, revealed in May 2023, aims to pressure the US to intervene in Bangladesh’s elections, stop trade

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Why Isn’t Everyone In Bangladesh Dead From COVID?

Bangladesh just reported zero COVID deaths in the entire country in a 24-hour period. Charitably, one-quarter of the population is vaccinated. This poor, incredibly densely populated nation appears poised on the verge of achieving herd immunity – despite violating every principle the high priests of the pandemic assure us are

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