Bangladesh Coup 2024

How Foreign Powers Colluded To Topple Bangladesh 1

How Foreign Powers Colluded To Topple Bangladesh

Sheikh Hasina’s sudden removal from power in Bangladesh has sparked suspicions of international meddling, particularly from the US and China. Hasina’s leadership had strengthened ties with India and brought stability to the region, which some foreign powers may have viewed as a threat. The US, displeased with India’s warm relationship

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Muhammad Yunus Cleared Of Corruption Charges Right After Taking Power 1

Muhammad Yunus Cleared Of Corruption Charges Right After Taking Power

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus has recently been cleared of corruption charges brought against him by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). This acquittal comes just days after he was also cleared in a separate case involving labor law violations. This important news follows a major political shift in Bangladesh. Three days

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How US Regime Change In Bangladesh Could Destabilise India 1

How US Regime Change In Bangladesh Could Destabilise India

The forced ouster of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from power by street agitators earlier this week has many dimensions, internal and external, all of which will be problematic in the near to medium term for Bangladesh itself, for India, and the entire region. Bangladesh politics has been tumultuous, with Sheikh Hasina’s

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How Hunter Biden & Hillary Clinton Set Bangladesh on Fire

Mohammed Yunus, often called the “father of microcredit” in Bangladesh, is known for his work with Grameen Bank, which earned him a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Recently, he gave an interview suggesting he wants to return to politics and even lead Bangladesh. Two months later, his dream came true.

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