Bangladesh Coup 2024

Why The Real Target Of Bangladesh Coup Is India, Not China 1

Why The Real Target Of Bangladesh Coup Is India, Not China

Some members of the Alt-Media Community believe that a recent coup in Bangladesh was a US plot to counter China, but this idea doesn’t hold up under closer examination. Bangladesh’s ties with China are so strong that severing them would harm its own interests, and a US base in St.

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History Of US Regime Change Ops In Bangladesh 1

History Of US Regime Change Ops In Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, there’s a troubling pattern where U.S. involvement seems to shape the country’s political landscape, often at the expense of its democratic process. This process involves using strong economic policies, often enforced by the IMF and World Bank, to influence the country’s governance. In 2024, the U.S. supported the

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How A US Military Base Sparked A Color Revolution In Bangladesh 1

How A US Military Base Sparked A Color Revolution In Bangladesh

Former Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, has a shocking accusation against the US. On August 12, while in exile in India, she told the Economic Times, “I could have remained in power if I had surrendered the sovereignty of Saint Martin Island and allowed America to hold sway over the

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How The US Betrayed India With A Coup In Bangladesh 1

How The US Betrayed India With A Coup In Bangladesh

Bangladesh might be a young country—just 53 years old—but its history is more thrilling than a Hollywood blockbuster. From military coups and assassinations to betrayals and political intrigue, this small South Asian nation has seen it all. But what’s happening now is bigger than anything before. The latest coup in

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India Warned US Not To Meddle In Bangladesh A Year Before Regime Change 1

India Warned US Not To Meddle In Bangladesh A Year Before Regime Change

U.S. and India are clashing over the political future of Bangladesh, drawing parallels to the situation in Ukraine. According to the Washington Post, India pressured the U.S. to avoid aggressive actions against the Bangladeshi government, fearing that instability there could boost terrorist groups threatening India’s security. The U.S. is accused

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