Wing Commander Abhinav Sharma, who was fired by the Indian Air Force following the accidental launch of a BrahMos missile that landed in Pakistan in March last year, has filed a case in Delhi High Court against the Ministry of Defence and the Chief of Air Staff, claiming that his dismissal was wrongful and that the Court of Inquiry did not allow him to defend himself.
Wing Commander Abhinav Sharma and three other IAF officers were dismissed from the service eight months ago after a court of enquiry determined they were responsible for failing to ensure the disconnection of combat connectors of all missiles loaded on Mobile Autonomous Launcher (MAL) prior to convoy movement, thus violating the combat SOP.
Russia stated that it anticipates the serial manufacture of AK 203 rifles to commence in Amethi in late 2022 or early 2023, as the second regiment of the S-400 Triumf air defense system begins to be delivered. With this, Russia wants to build the next generation of tanks and sub...