Bombay High Court took cognizance and issued notice in a vaccine murder case of Dr. Snehal Lunawat where interim compensation of Rs. 1000 crores ($ 126 million approx.) is sought.Advocate for Bill Gates appeared before the High Court and accepted the notice from High Court.Central Government has given the Enquiry Report certificate that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat was due to side effects of covishield vaccine.Petition also prays for action against social media like Facebook, YouTube, Google and main stream media who are running false narrative & conspiracy theories that vaccines are completely safe and are suppressing the news and information regarding side effects,inefficacy or failure of vaccines.Notice is also issued to Dr. V. G. Somani – Drug Controller General of India and Dr. Randeep Guleria, the former Director of AIIMS who wererunning the false narratives that vaccines are completely safe.Supreme Court also issued notice to Central Government in vaccine deaths of two c...