1991: When America Tried To Keep Ukraine In The USSR

1991: When America Tried To Keep Ukraine In The USSR

The US government today likes to pretend that it is the perennial champion of political independence for countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain. What is often forgotten, however, is that in the days following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Washington opposed independence for Soviet republics like Ukraine

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How The West Stole Over $300 Billion From Russia

How The West Stole Over $300 Billion From Russia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on Sunday that more than $300 billion was robbed from Russia, the bulk of which was payouts for oil and gas deliveries, since energy giant Gazprom was required to deposit money in Western bank accounts.

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Why Is CDC Trying To Put A Mask On Your Face Again?

Why Is CDC Trying To Put A Mask On Your Face Again?

We know the wicked truth about Chairman Mao’s “Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom.” He said this in 1957 while inviting anyone to criticize the Communist Party. There were cheers all around and the criticisms were unleashed. This lasted six weeks, after which many of the biggest critics were shot. It

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