Fauci’s Covid Disaster A Summary

Fauci’s Covid Disaster: A Summary

News that Dr. Anthony Fauci is finally leaving his post after what seemed like an endless reign at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases should be a time for celebration.

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CIA Paying Agents Who Suffer From A Likely Fake Illness

CIA Paying Agents Who Suffer From A Likely Fake Illness

America’s spy agency is making compensation payments to agents who claim they suffer from “Havana Syndrome.” The alleged condition was first reported by government employees in Cuba who reported suffering various symptoms, including dizziness, headaches and memory loss. The CIA has studied over 1,000 potential cases of the mysterious ailment

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Scientists Create Mouse Embryos Without Sperm Or Egg

Scientists Create Mouse Embryos Without Sperm Or Egg

Researchers have followed a “14-day rule” for generating human embryos in the lab for many years. The International Society for Stem Cell Research suggested modifying the regulation in specific instances last year. Now, scientists have managed to create mouse embryos without sperm or eggs.

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