Fauci Ordered To Turn Over Emails Within 21 Days

Fauci Ordered To Turn Over Emails Within 21 Days

In July, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty ordered the Biden government to produce documents demanded by the plaintiffs as part of the discovery process as soon as possible. This includes Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was ordered to turn over emails within 21 days.

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List Of The World's Most Livable Cities

List Of The World’s Most Livable Cities

The “Global Liveability Index” which assesses and contrasts the vastly differing quality of life of each city’s inhabitants, is the foundation of the study by which the list of the world’s most livable cities is chosen.

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The U.S. Can't Solve Europe's Energy Crisis

The U.S. Can’t Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis

The EU’s energy ministers will meet on Friday to discuss emergency measures to protect consumers and businesses from exorbitant gas and electricity prices. Now, it is clear that the U.S. can’t solve Europe’s energy crisis.

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