List Of The Most Violent Cities In The World

According to data published by the Mexico Citizens Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice on the global homicide rate in cities with a population of over 300,000, a list of the most violent cities in the world, with the Mexican city of Colima coming in first, is given below.

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America’s Dirtiest Secrets

America’s Dirtiest Secrets

When I began doing my historical research in earnest perhaps 20 years ago in Shanghai, my interest was driven by primarily two things: one was the incessant American propaganda flooding the world, and particularly China, with an entirely unjustified air of moral superiority that masked all of the American crimes

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How Censors Use AI To Target Podcasts

How Censors Use AI To Target Podcasts

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter may have capped the opening chapter in the Information Wars, where free speech won a small but crucial battle. Full spectrum combat across the digital landscape, however, will only intensify, as a new report from the Brookings Institution, a key player in the censorship industrial

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