NewsGuard Exposed Contracts With DOD WHO Pfizer Microsoft And AFT

NewsGuard Exposed – Contracts With DOD, WHO, Pfizer, Microsoft And AFT

NewsGuard is a self-appointed misinformation watchdog. It seems to be just one more way Americans are not allowed to think for themselves. Co-CEOs Steven Brill and Gordon Crovitz claim it is the “librarian for the internet.” Set up specifically to rate online journalistic integrity, Brill states NewsGuard provides services that

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Chris Wray — FBI Believes Covid Came From Wuhan Lab

Chris Wray — FBI Believes Covid Came From Wuhan Lab

FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that the Covid pandemic was likely the result of a laboratory leak in China, providing the first public confirmation of the bureau’s classified judgment of how the virus that led to the deaths of nearly seven million people worldwide first emerged.

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