India The Next Front In The War On the BRICS

India: The Next Front In The War On the BRICS

There is far more to the current multi-modal geopolitical war than just what’s happening in Ukraine. This conflict has led to a myriad of downstream effects and moves which are just as important as what the encirclement of Bakhmut means.

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Fauci Prompted Scientists To Fabricate Evidence To Rule Out Lab Leak

Fauci Prompted Scientists To Fabricate Evidence To Rule Out Lab Leak

Dr. Anthony Fauci – who offshored banned gain-of-function research to make bat coronaviruses more transmissible to humans – has been accused by Congressional investigators (read below) of having ‘prompted’ the fabrication of a paper by a cadre of scientists aimed at disproving the Covid-19 lab-leak theory.

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The Global Internet Kill Switch

The Global Internet Kill Switch

Many government use internet shutdowns in connection with curbing protests and dissent and the pandemic likely caused fewer of these events to happen as stay-at-home orders were issued and limits on gatherings were imposed.

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The Attack Of The Subversive Elites

The Attack Of The Subversive Elites

It is tempting, as Naomi Wolf has done recently, to ascribe the breakdown of Western civilization to the debasing of “Judeo-Christian” ethics and the reemergence of malignant supernatural forces. Witnessing the many assaults on the infrastructure and social order of the United States of late, I wouldn’t rule out metaphysical

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