China Predicts End Of Ukraine War This Summer

China Predicts End Of Ukraine War This Summer

A fascinating new report in Nikkei Asia has unearthed and detailed the findings of an elite Chinese state-linked think tank which reports directly to the People’s Liberation Army. Nikkei in the context of examining the timing and motives behind China’s 12-point peace plan said that Chinese military experts are predicting

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China Brokers Peace Deal Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

China Brokers Peace Deal Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed Friday to reestablish diplomatic relations and reopen embassies after seven years of tensions between the Mideast rivals. The major diplomatic breakthrough negotiated with China lowers the chance of armed conflict between the nations — both directly and in proxy conflicts around the region.

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How To Repair Your Heart From Vaccine Damage

How To Repair Your Heart From Vaccine Damage

There have been a some peer reviewed papers recently published which provide clear evidence that certain dietary supplements can help in repairing and supporting cardiovascular and vascular health. Based on these data, it is reasonable to hypothesize that supplements shown to support heart and vascular health in this manner will

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Judge Orders JPMorgan To Produce Dimon Documents In Epstein Case

Judge Orders JPMorgan To Produce Dimon Documents In Epstein Case

The judge in the US Virgin Islands / Epstein accuser litigation against JPMorgan has ruled that the bank must produce documents related to CEO Jamie Dimon, ruling against the bank’s argument that Dimon isn’t relevant to the case because “He was not involved in any decisions regarding Epstein’s account…”

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A Permanent Wartime Economy

A Permanent Wartime Economy

This is the argument for more money printing, and perhaps unlimited money printing, recently advanced by Professor Mariana Mazzucato on prime-time BBC.

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