Money Laundering Inside The Climate Fund

The CEF’s 2022 annual report reveals how the climate fund is funding illegal activities designed to disrupt governments and industries alike, as well as exposing money laundering within the climate fund. A non-profit organization called the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) boasts that their mission is to “raise funds for and make grants

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24 Chinese Hypersonic Missiles Will Sink Top U.S. Aircraft Carrier

A paper released in the Chinese-language Journal of Test and Measurement Technology claimed that 24 Chinese hypersonic missiles will sink a top U.S. aircraft carrier. Hypersonic weapons could be “catastrophic” for the most potent aircraft carrier group in the US fleet, according to war game simulations run by a team of

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Genetic Mutation | Woman Feels No Pain, Fear, Anxiety

A study published in the journal Brain revealed that a woman named Jo Cameron, who has a genetic mutation, feels no pain, fear, or anxiety. A mother of two from Scotland, could be a key figure in the development of more effective painkillers, new research suggests. Jo Cameron has never

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How US Farmland Became A Battleground In The Fight Against China

Farmlands in the US have become a battleground in the fight against China, as more than two dozen states have passed or considered legislation restricting Chinese purchases of U.S. farmland. Chinese investors own about .03 percent of America’s farmland, according to federal data. But their land purchasing is becoming a major

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Chinese Malware Hits Systems On Guam. Is Taiwan The Real Target?

A mysterious Chinese malware has hit systems on Guam, which Microsoft said was installed by a Chinese government hacking group called Volt Typhoon. There are speculations that Taiwan may be the real target of these cyberattacks. Around the time that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was examining the equipment recovered

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