Search Results for: lockdown

Climate Lockdowns Are Coming

In a tweet, Brexit leader Nigel Farage warned his supporters that authoritarian measures by Western governments under the guise of climate lockdowns are coming. Brexit leader Nigel Farage has foretold of impending, authoritarian measures by Western governments designed to limit people’s movements and vehicle usage under the guise of “climate change” action.

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The Lockdown Files

Due to the evidence collected by the Telegraph and detailed in the Lockdown Files, new questions about the handling of the pandemic ahead of a public inquiry into the response to COVID-19 are being asked.

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The Man Behind Covid Lockdowns

The Man Behind Covid Lockdowns

The latest of the Twitter Files is reported by Alex Berenson, who was granted access to messaging systems from the times before Elon Musk took over. His first round of reporting concerns the role of Scott Gottlieb, who is a perfect example of an influencer who is technically outside of

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