Search Results for: fbi twitter

How The FBI Hacked Twitter

How The FBI Hacked Twitter

Twitter has been accused of collaborating with the FBI to censor users and spy on those who posed a threat to the Biden campaign. Court documents show that the social media company worked with the DOJ to intercept the communications of certain users and provided the FBI with access to

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Twitter Files Make it Clear We Must Abolish the FBI

‘Twitter Files’ Make it Clear: We Must Abolish the FBI

As we learn more and more from the “Twitter Files,” it is becoming all too obvious that Federal agencies such as the FBI viewed the First Amendment of our Constitution as an annoyance and an impediment. In Friday’s release from the pre-Musk era, journalist Matt Taibbi makes an astute observation:

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Why Is Twitter Hiring So Many FBI Agents

Why Is Twitter Hiring So Many FBI Agents?

Twitter has been on a recruitment drive of late, hiring a host of former feds and spies. Studying a number of employment and recruitment websites, MintPress has ascertained that the social media giant has, in recent years, recruited dozens of individuals from the national security state to work in the

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Moderna Hires FBI Agent To Secretly Control Vaccine Debate

According to an exclusive report by investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson, Moderna has been reported to hire former FBI agents to secretly control the vaccine debate. Moderna, a pharmaceutical company, is using its disinformation department to monitor what it refers to as “vaccine misinformation” online. The goal is

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Derek Chauvin’s Attacker, John Turscak, Is A Former FBI Informant

According to a 2001 LA Times article, Derek Chauvin’s attacker, John Turscak, is a former FBI informant and a former gang member. A man with a troubled past named John Turscak assaulted Derek Chauvin while he was incarcerated. Federal prosecutors revealed that 52-year-old John Turscak stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times

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FBI Trained Bomber Dogs To Blow Up Russian Positions In LPR

Documents discovered in the former Severodonetsk demining and cynology center revealed that the FBI and Ukraine trained bomber dogs to blow up Russian positions in LPR. An employee of Lugansk’s intelligence services earlier claimed that anonymous individuals had attempted to destroy records attesting to the cooperation between the US Federal

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