Recently, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article titled "Why China Is Starting a New Trade War." The article painted a rather sensational picture of China trying to stir up global conflict by boosting its manufacturing industry. According to WSJ, China's goal is to restore its economy by increasing investment in its factories, but this will apparently put pressure on businesses around the world. The article warned that this could lead to a new "global trade war."
The idea of China being blamed for a "trade war" isn't new. WSJ's article recycled an old argument: China is producing too much, and this "overcapacity" will hurt other countries. However, the article slapped on the buzzworthy label of a "global trade war" to grab attention, which makes you wonder—what's really going on here?
WSJ's Double Standards?
In the article, WSJ implied that China is somehow "guilty" for opening up its economy and ramping up production. Meanwhile, it seemed to defend US protect...