US To Deploy 2000 Troops To Israel

The Wall Street Journal has reported that a US source has revealed that the US is going to deploy 2000 troops to Israel.

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According to the Pentagon, 2,000 soldiers have been chosen and are being prepared for possible deployment to support Israel as it fights Hamas in Gaza and maybe Hezbollah over its northern border.

According to US sources who spoke with The Wall Street Journal, American forces are only to be used for operations like medical support or advise responsibilities rather than any combat duty.

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“The troops are currently stationed both inside the Middle East and outside, including Europe, the officials said,” WSJ writes. “It isn’t clear under what circumstances the U.S. could deploy the troops or to where, but the Pentagon decision signaled it is preparing to support Israeli troops should Israel launch a ground incursion into Gaza.”

Eli Marom, a former commander of the Israeli navy, said in a national broadcast that Israel as a whole is asking how Israeli intelligence failed amid the Hamas attack.

In anticipation of possibly increased support tasks relating to Israel, US Marines have already been relocated from Kuwait. Two carrier strike groups, which are projected to shortly enter the eastern Mediterranean, have been sent to the general area by the Biden administration.

Separately, a defense official told the Associated that the troops will “not be sent to Israel but could be sent to countries in the region.”

The Israel-Hamas war exposed the EU’s irrelevance, which is dwindling due to its economy’s secular decline and incapacity to project military power.

Since there have been rumors that an Israeli ground invasion is “imminent” for the previous three days, the situation is still very erratic and unpredictable. There are indications that Israeli commanders may be holding off not only out of concern for the 200 hostages held by Hamas but also because Hezbollah could start an all-out battle in the north. Threats from Iran have also becoming more frequent.

Additionally, the US is providing Israel with intelligence, notably concerning the hostages, who include Americans. However, the Pentagon has so far rejected the notion of dispatching US commandos to aid in rescue operations.

Even if intelligence could pinpoint their precise positions, which is improbable given Gaza’s dense population and the challenging urban fighting environment, any military rescue effort could be a “mission impossible” type of scenario.

The Elite Hamas Unit Tricked Israeli intelligence by making them think that the Hamas leadership was more concerned with the restoration of Gaza’s economy than with escalating hostilities.

The hostages may be in grave danger if Israel enters the strip with full force despite not knowing their precise positions.

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