US National Security Officials Targeted With Mysterious Electromagnetic Weapon Inside White House

Former national security advisor John Bolton stated a coworker encountered disorientation, ringing in his ears, and an inability to speak or think clearly. He is one among many US national security officials targeted with mysterious electromagnetic weapon who experienced unexplainable neurological symptoms in and around the White House.

US National Security Officials Targeted With Mysterious Electromagnetic Weapon Inside White House

Former senior US national security officials have hit the headlines this week with accounts of inexplicable, acute-onset neurological symptoms that experts think mirror the effects of a targeted electromagnetic weapon, even on White House grounds.

The government officials’ accounts, which were made public for the first time on this week’s episode of 60 Minutes, emulate a comparable trend: they said they started encountering acute symptoms like vertigo, nausea, head pain, and impaired thinking without warning, and that they were occasionally accompanied by long-term neurological issues like memory, eyesight, and balance.

The “attacks” took place in a variety of settings, including at work, at home, on the street, and at a hotel.

According to 60 Minutes host Scott Pelley, the CIA, FBI, and State Department are presently examining the possibility that they were targeted with an electromagnetic weapon.

Olivia Troye, Vice President Mike Pence’s former homeland security and counter-terrorism adviser, had symptoms that were similar to those described in other studies.

Troye claimed she started to experience a “piercing feeling” on the side of her head while going down the stairs of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, near the West Wing of the White House, in the summer of 2019. She was disoriented and nauseated at the very same time, and she struggled to keep her balance as she descended the steps. However, the “piercing” sensation persisted as she walked past an entryway to the West Wing.

“It was almost like I couldn’t really process. It was like a paralyzing panic attack. I’ve never felt anything like that. I thought to myself … “Do I have a brain tumor out of the blue? Is this what happens? Am I having a stroke?” Troye told Pelley.

Troye claimed similar instances happened “a couple of times” while she headed to her car on the Ellipse, directly south of the White House, around a year later. She claimed that these episodes were identical to a strong sense of vertigo.

“I felt like I couldn’t really walk … it was like I had a depth perception issue where I couldn’t figure out where the ground was … I felt like I was just gonna fall right into the ground,” Troye said.

“There is a human aspect of it of shame,” Troye said, crying as she described why she didn’t report the occurrences. “And do you really want to admit you’re sick? Do you want to come forward and tell someone that, especially as a member of the intelligence community?”

Because the initial public reports of the ailment emerged from officials posted in Havana, Cuba, in 2016, identical clusters of neurological symptoms observed by US officials were dubbed as “Havana Syndrome,” according to Pelley.

Over 1,000 such events “that have been reported since Havana in 2016,” according to new CIA director William Burns, with more than two dozen embassy workers “icroreported injury.”  According to Pelley, such tales were initially rejected as widespread hysteria in an FBI report.

Some people who have been afflicted have claimed long-term affects, such as a senior member of the National Security Council who “says he was stricken in November 2020 on the same steps by the West Wing” as Troye.

Former national security advisor John Bolton stated a coworker encountered “disorientation,” ringing in his ears, and an inability to “speak or think clearly,” according to a source who asked to remain anonymous.

He rushed to the ER, and now, well over a year later, he’s “still recovering and suffering from headaches and other symptoms,” as well as “diagnosed with two other medical conditions that are believed to be the result of the attack… “

During a 2019 visit to London by former President Donald Trump, two personnel of Bolton’s national security team were unwell in a hotel, according to Bolton. He told Pelley, “And that it was on the floor where we’d completely taken up with personnel from the White House and White House agencies struck me as being pretty good evidence of a deliberate attack.”

A loud noise was mentioned by numerous people as being associated with or preceding their symptoms. Miles Taylor, the Trump administration’s Department of Homeland Security’s former deputy chief of staff and subsequently chief of staff, stated he had the same signs as Troye.

A peculiar noise was the first thing he observed in his instance. He was awakened in the middle of the night at his Capitol Hill residence, just after becoming deputy chief of staff, by a noise he characterized as “sort of chirping, somewhere between what you would think is a cricket or sort of a digital sound.”

It was about 3 or 3:30 in the morning, said Taylor. “I went to the window, opened up my window, looked down at the street … and I see a white van. And the van’s brake lights turned on, and it pulled off and it sped away.”

He felt bad enough the next day that he wanted to take the day off — and he said it occurred again around five weeks later, this time shortly before he was to visit Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “have some sensitive conversations with the Israelis on important cybersecurity issues.” He was suffering from “concussion-like” sensations, and as he boarded his plane, he thought to himself, “I’m already nauseous. I don’t know if I can do this flight.”

Taylor added, “I became aware of a U.S. government official more senior than me who’d experienced similar episodes at their place of residence.”

Robyn Garfield, a Commerce Department officer, said he, his wife, and their two children had been “repeatedly” attacked in China, and that his daughter had fallen down “multiple times a day.”

They were “evacuated and enrolled in a State Department treatment program at the University of Pennsylvania” but had another incident when his wife was awakened by a “extremely loud, painful sound.” They went to a motel, but it struck again — this time, Garfield observed his kids “thrashing” in their beds and a sound “sort of like water rushing” near their heads as they were sleeping. The family is currently stationed in another country, where they are attempting “to improve balance, eyesight, and memory.”

Although publicly revealing his tale was “probably” one of his “worst nightmares,” one man (who asked to remain anonymous) indicated to Pelley that he felt driven to do so in order to aid others, notably friends of his.

“I’m here because I’m tired of the gaslighting that keeps happening from the U.S. government. I’m tired of this yo-yoing. Because I’m watching new colleagues and friends that I’ve trained with, and friends that I’ve known for years that are being sent to these countries and coming back a shell of their former selves. We need to help them, and we need to stop this,” he said.

Injuries to US personnel have been reported more lately in Vienna, Austria, and India, during CIA Director William Burns’ tour.

According to Burns, a CIA task force is looking at about two dozen specific cases of inexplicable brain injury.

Dr. David Relman, a Stanford University professor of medicine who served on two government panels investigating the injuries, claimed they had discovered what they suspect is the “clear evidence of an injury to the auditory and vestibular system of the brain. Everything, starting with the inner ear where humans perceive sound and sense balance, and then translate those perceptions into brain electrical signals.”

Dr. Relman’s committees focused on one subset of patients with a “so-called acute sensory event, an experience that consisted of the abrupt onset of intense pressure or vibration in the face or head sometimes with the abrupt onset of sound.”

They came to the conclusion that “pulsed electromagnetic energy” was most likely the source of these events.

“In other words, a focused beam of microwaves fired from a distance,” said Pelley.

A “high-power microwave weapon,” according to James Benford, a physicist who co-wrote a book on microwave transmission, is the “best” and “most plausible” explanation for these instances.

He showed samples of “portable microwave transmitters of the kind that could damage the tissues of the brain,” and stated that “there are many kinds,” ranging “anywhere in size from a suitcase all the way up to a large tractor trailer unit.”

He claims that the technology has been researched for more than 50 years and that it has “been widely developed” in a dozen countries, primarily the United States, China, and Russia.

Pelley confronted Burns about an interim CIA report from January that said, “We assess it unlikely that a foreign actor, including Russia, is conducting a sustained, worldwide campaign harming U.S. personnel with a weapon or a mechanism.”

Burns explained, “The intelligence community assesses now that there’s not a single cause that — it would explain the more than 1,000 incidents that have been reported since Havana in 2016. We’ve also not yet been able to link a foreign state actor or an external device or mechanism to any of those cases.”

“What line is crossed if a hostile actor is doing this in Washington, D.C.?” Pelley asked.

“That would be a pretty profound line to be crossed … if we were ever able to develop concrete evidence that that were the case. But we do not have evidence of that at this point,” Burns replied.

“You understand how frustrating your comments must be to some of these people who believe they know exactly what happened to them, on what day and at what time, and what happened to their children,” Pelley responded. “And yet, the director of the CIA is saying we can’t connect the dots. We don’t know enough yet.”

4 Responses

  1. If an outside enemy is directing an electromagnetic weapon, then I would think many more people would be effected, not just national security staff.
    So, I suspect it’s an internal problem. Either, internal political enemies, or EM pollution from some specialized equipment that they use.

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