Ukrainian Enemies List Targets American Influencers

A Ukrainian enemies list titled “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists,” published by the Data Journalism Agency, targets American influencers.

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The Ukrainian online newspaper “Data Journalism Agency” (TEXTY), which is connected to the US government, recently published a report in which it accuses hundreds of well-known Americans and their organizations of being enemies for refusing to accept the US government’s increased arms and financial backing for Ukraine.

Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists is the title of the report. The U.S. forces obstructing aid to Ukraine and their methods of doing so” aims to denigrate American journalists, lawmakers, and social media influencers as Russian stooges, writing:

Most of the people in our study do not have direct, proven ties to the Russian government or propagandists. However, the arguments they use to urge authorities to distance themselves from Ukraine echo key messages of Russian propaganda aimed at depriving Ukrainians of the ability to defend themselves with Western weapons and funds. (emphasis added)

The paper itself is full of crass misinformation, even if the “enemies list” claims to refute misinformation about Ukraine propagated by individuals on its list. Take this passage, for instance:

Even long-debunked myths continue to surface, such as claims of Nazi dominance and American Biolabs in Ukraine and the portrayal of the 2014 Revolution of Dignity as a coup.

The organization’s claim that these assertions have been “long-debunked” may be wishful thinking, but in actuality, mainstream US media outlets that support Ukraine are shaking their heads at the alarming, extreme photos that are emerging from the nation. For instance, “Ukraine’s Nazi problem is real, even if Putin’s ‘denazification’ claim isn’t,” according to NBC News. “Why Have So Many Neo-Nazis Rallied to Ukraine’s Cause?” Newsweek pondered. Before the ongoing war, pro-Ukrainian mainstream media like Reuters expressed concern in 2918 on “Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem.”

Regarding the Biolabs, none other than Victoria Nuland, the Mother of the Maidan, acknowledged their existence at a US Senate testimony. Of course, one could argue that these weren’t “American biolabs.” The New York Post’s revelation from two years ago about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop must also be taken as true given that its authenticity has been unequivocally verified during his prosecution. The Post’s investigation of Russian emails revealed that the claim made by Russia that President Biden’s son Hunter was “financing… biological laboratories in Ukraine” was accurate.

In addition, all the evidence that the US was micromanaging the overthrow of an elected leader and replacing him with hand-picked US puppets can be found in Victoria Nuland’s famous phone conversation with US Ambassador to Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, raising the question of whether the Maidan events of 2014 were a “Revolution of Dignity” or a coup.

Prominent American lawmakers and journalists including Sens. JD Vance, Rand Paul, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep. Jim Jordan, and Col. Douglas Macgregor are also included in the report.

Even our buddies… discover that our names are listed among the “enemies” in Ukraine:

Ukrainian Enemies List Targets American Influencers 2

As the report states:

There are 391 individuals and 76 organizations  in our list. These include politicians, political movements and groups, media and journalists, experts, and think tanks (some individuals appear in multiple categories).

The most shocking aspect of this attack on the people of the United States of America may be the long-standing relationship between the Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY) and the US Government! The creator of the publication Anatoly Bondarenko is featured prominently as a participant in the US State Department’s “TechCamp” initiative on a website run by the government.

The Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/TAPAS Project of the US Agency for International Development lists the Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY) as an “Implementing Partner.”

It seems that the Ukrainians enjoy compiling lists of their “enemies.” The most well-known of these is the infamous “kill list” published by the Kiev-based Mirotvorets Center. Several of the people on that list—including well-known Russian journalist Daria Dugina—have already been killed by Ukraine.

It’s interesting to see how people, like former US President Donald Trump and numerous US Congress members, will respond, for instance, to the news that US tax monies are being delivered to Ukraine so that US-backed Ukrainian organizations can create “hate lists” and “kill lists” of self-sacrificing Americans.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that at the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov claimed that France seeks ‘direct’ entry into the Ukraine war.

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