Ukraine has launched a series of bold drone attacks on Russian targets. Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s military intelligence, revealed to The War Zone that his team carried out multiple drone strikes recently. These strikes hit a signals intelligence center and an airport near Moscow, as well as an airbase in the Rostov region.
Here's a breakdown of the action:
Moscow’s Close Call: Ukrainian drones targeted Ostafyevo airport, a major site with important communications equipment. The strike aimed to disrupt Russian military operations, but it’s unclear how much damage was done. Another target in Moscow’s area was a signals intelligence center, critical for Russian military communications.
Rostov Region Hit: Ukrainian drones also went after the Millerovo airbase in Rostov, which houses key fighter jets. This base is close to the Ukrainian border, making it a significant target.
Murmansk’s Narrow Escape: A drone attack was also attempted on the Olenya Air Bas...