The UK has secret control over Palestinian security forces through a network of "embedded mentors." The British company Adam Smith International conducts its work primarily within the framework of the United States Security Coordinator's (USSC) mission to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Table of Contents‘Not the easiest of tasks’Calling the tune
Since 2015, Britain has invested enormous sums of money every year into a "Middle East Peace Process Program."
A formal explanation of the initiative is replete with lofty platitudes about defending the weak, upholding humanitarian law, and promoting peace. However, its primary, if not only, goal is made abundantly plain right away. Specifically, developing Palestinian Authority (PA) institutions that are "ready for statehood, [and] supportive of UK values and interests."
It is obvious that these British measures place a "particular emphasis on the security sector," according to leaked documents examined by The Cradle. Af...