Prepare For A Disease Even Deadlier Than COVID, WHO Chief Warns

WHO chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the World Health Assembly forum that we should be prepared for a disease even deadlier than COVID. The planet should be ready for a disease even deadlier than Covid, the head of the World Health Organisation warned yesterday. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the World

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WHO (Finally) Declares COVID Pandemic “Global Health Emergency” Over

Speaking to reporters on Friday, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared the COVID pandemic “global health emergency” over. The World Health Organization declared the COVD-19 emergency is over, ending a three-year designation it first adopted in January 2020. The health body began using the word “pandemic” in March 2020 to alert

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Besties Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO

Besties: Twitter, Facebook, Google, CDC, NIH, WHO

Many of us with a libertarian frame of mind presume as a matter of theory that the interests of business are at odds with those of government. That’s generally true for businesses of a certain size. The regulations and taxes one faces in running an enterprise in the “land of

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Monkeypox Or Moneypox

Monkeypox Or Moneypox?

In a move that is sure to trigger widespread discussion concerning the independence, objectivity and wisdom of granting authority to the WHO to manage global infectious diseases responses, the monkeypox outbreak has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization.

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