List Of Countries Where Recreational Cannabis Is Legal 1

List Of Countries Where Recreational Cannabis Is Legal

Based on data from Wikipedia, below is a list of countries where recreational cannabis is legal, with only nine nations having made the recreational use of cannabis lawful on a national level. After Malta and Luxembourg, Germany became the third nation in the European Union to legalize cannabis for personal

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Top Jobs Of The Next Decade 1

Top Jobs Of The Next Decade

According to data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top jobs of the next decade will be health and personal care aides and software engineers, with health and personal care aides, projected to have over 800,000 employees by 2032. People have been considering whether artificial intelligence could

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Biden Threatens To Sanction India After Iran Chabahar Port Deal 1

Biden Threatens To Sanction India After Iran Chabahar Port Deal

The US threatens India with sanctions following Iran’s Chabahar Port deal, citing risks of business with Iran despite India’s investment Within hours of India concluding a ten-year agreement to manage Iran’s Chabahar Port, the US reaffirmed its warning that “anyone considering business deals with Iran needs to be aware of

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EV Charging Station Costs $1 Billion 1

EV Charging Station Costs $1 Billion

According to the Washington Post, EV charging stations cost US taxpayers $1 billion. However, after two years, only seven chargers and a meager 38 parking spaces have been built out of the allocated $7.5 billion. This is what people mean when they complain about paying taxes and the government being

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Visualizing All The World's Aircraft Carriers 1

Visualizing All The World’s Aircraft Carriers

The list of all the world’s aircraft carriers, along with their respective owners, is visualized using data from various sources, with the USA leading. Warships with a full-length flight deck for transporting, deploying, and recovering aircraft are known as aircraft carriers. They are typically the capital ships in a fleet

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U.S. Military Orders Total Withdrawal From Niger 1

U.S. Military Orders Total Withdrawal From Niger

The Pentagon has formally ordered the total withdrawal of 1,000 US combat soldiers from Niger, impacting counterterrorism efforts and Russian influence in West Africa, amid ongoing discussions with Nigerien authorities. This week, the Pentagon formally ordered the withdrawal of all 1,000 US combat soldiers from Niger, a blow to the

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What Frustrates Americans The Most About The Tax System 1

What Frustrates Americans The Most About The Tax System

Pew Research reveals the top tax system frustrations among Americans, with most citing that the wealthy and corporations don’t pay their “fair share.” Pallavi Rao of Visual Capitalist has created a graphic that displays the results of Pew Research regarding the tax system’s top complaints among Americans. From March 27

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