
Inside Iran's Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy 1

Inside Iran’s Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy

In a controversial prisoner exchange between Sweden and Iran, a convicted Iranian torturer Hamid Noury was traded for two Swedish citizens. Noury had committed severe human rights abuses, yet Iran secured his return in exchange for releasing the Swedes falsely accused of espionage and other charges. This exchange highlights Iran’s

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World’s First Baby Born From A Robot Transplanted Uterus

Surgeons at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, a leader in uterus transplants, revealed that the world’s first baby was born from a robot-transplanted uterus. A baby boy carried in a uterus implanted into his mother by a robot was born in a world first. The youngster, who has not been

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Russian ‘Spy’ Whale Surfaces In Sweden

Sebastian Strand, a marine biologist with the OneWhale organization, has said that the Russian “spy” whale, nicknamed Hvaldimir, has surfaced in Sweden at Hunnebostrand. First discovered in Norway’s far northern region of Finnmark, the whale spent more than three years slowly moving down the top half of the Norwegian coastline,

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Sweden’s Biggest Espionage Case In 50 Years

Sweden’s Biggest Espionage Case In 50 Years

In the worst and biggest espionage case the Scandinavian nation has seen in 50 years, two Iranian-born Swedish brothers were sentenced to significant prison terms on Thursday for spying for Russia and its military intelligence service GRU for a decade.

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