Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Has Only One Day Of Petrol Left

Sri Lanka Has Only One Day Of Petrol Left

Sri Lanka merely has enough petrol to span a single day, and the country’s new prime minister has cautioned that power shortages could last up to 15 hours every day, as it confront its biggest economic crisis ever since independence in 1948.

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Sri Lanka Declares Emergency

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced a state of emergency on Friday as violence erupted in Colombo during large rallies against economic mismanagement.

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Sri Lanka Turns Off Street Lights As Energy Crisis Worsens

Sri Lanka Turns Off Street Lights As Energy Crisis Worsens

Sri Lankan locals are desperately looking for someone to criticize for their current situation, and they have narrowed it down to Beijing and its debt diplomacy. The situation has deteriorated to the point that Sri Lanka is turning off street lights as the energy crisis worsens.

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Drugs worth $33m seized in Sri Lanka

Drugs Worth $33m Seized In Sri Lanka

Weeks after a Chinese ship was caught smuggling equipment for Pakistan’s Shaheen II Nuclear Missile at India’s western coast, now drugs worth $33m has been seized in Sri Lanka. Two foreign trawlers packed with over $33m worth of heroin and crystal methamphetamine were seized in Sri Lanka’s biggest-ever drugs bust

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