
us spies manipulating wikipedia

US Spies Have Been Manipulating Wikipedia For Over A Decade

The co-founder of Wikipedia recently made a stunning revelation regarding persistent suspicions of US intelligence meddling and manipulation on the famous collaborative online encyclopedia. Larry Sanger, the site’s co-creator, discussed the well-known “information warfare” tactics employed by US intelligence in an interview with journalist Glenn Greenwald on his “System Update”

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Pakistani Brigadier Raja Rizwan hanged for Spying

Pakistan Hangs Brigadier Raja Rizwan For Spying

Reports in Pakistan indicate Brigadier Raja Rizwan was hanged on Sunday, November 24, 2019 after his mercy plea was rejected for spying against Pakistan. He had been charged for espionage and leakage of sensitive information to foreign agencies prejudicial to the national security. Cases involving two senior Pakistgan army officers,

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Twitter employees caught Spying for Saudi Arabia

Former Twitter Employees Caught Spying For Saudi Arabia

Two former Twitter employees have been caught spying for Saudi Arabia. Company workers reportedly obtained personal account information of critics of the government in the Kingdom. Two former Twitter employees have been charged with spying after they reportedly obtained personal account information for critics of the government of Saudi Arabia.

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US Israel Spy War For Iran Deal & Lessons For India

During the same time of the Edward Snowden revelations of the NSA spying dragnet; behind the scenes a secret intelligence war was being waged between the spies of US and Israel. US was pursuing Iran deal at the time and the White House officials believed the intercepted information could be

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