Saudi Arabia

As King's Health Deteriorates, Who Will MbS Appoint As Crown Prince? 1

As King’s Health Deteriorates, Who Will MbS Appoint As Crown Prince?

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman faces significant political and familial challenges in appointing his crown prince as King Salman’s health deteriorates, raising crucial questions about the future leadership within the House of Saud. As his aging father, King Salman, is nearing the end of his life and is receiving treatment

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US Military Bases Are Being Deactivated In The Persian Gulf 1

US Military Bases Are Being Deactivated In The Persian Gulf

To prevent tensions between Iran and Arab governments, US military bases are being deactivated in the Persian Gulf, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The cornerstone of US power projection in West Asia is its array of military sites, which are ideally situated in the Persian Gulf. The

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25,000 Artifacts Unearthed In Historic Saudi Arabia City 1

25,000 Artifacts Unearthed In Historic Saudi Arabia City

According to the Jeddah Historic District Program, over 25,000 artifacts were unearthed in the historic Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah. In the second-biggest Saudi city, archaeologists have found some 25,000 antiquities. According to the Jeddah Historic District Program (JHD), the discoveries include more than 11,400 ceramic fragments, more than 11,300

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UAE Becomes Global ATM As West Go Bankrupt

According to Ibrahim Ajami of the Abu Dhabi State Fund, Mubadala, UAE, becomes a global ATM as the West goes bankrupt. Five Years ago, after Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, virtue-signaling American finance executives withdrew from a Saudi Arabian event in Riyadh.

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Saudi Arabia Moves Into Pharmaceuticals

According to Yazeed A. Al-Humied, deputy governor and head of MENA Investments at the Public Investment Fund (PIF), Saudi Arabia is moving into the pharmaceuticals industry. Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund on Sunday launched a commercial-scale contract development and manufacturing organization, Lifera, to help boost the local biopharmaceutical industry. The

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Saudi Arabia Pens $5.6 Billion Deal To Develop Evs With China

In a significant development, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment signed a $5.6 billion deal with a Shanghai-based electric vehicle company to develop EVs (Electric Vehicles). At an Arab-China business conference in Riyadh over the weekend, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment signed a $5.6 billion deal with Shanghai-based electric vehicle (EV)

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