San Francisco

Cities With The Highest Rent In The US 1

Cities With The Highest Rent In The US

According to the Zumper National Rent Index, the cities with the highest rent in the US are New York City at $4,200 for a one-bedroom, followed by Jersey City and San Francisco. In recent years, rental costs have increased in several American cities. The shortage of available housing, the shifting

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Xi Credited With San Francisco Homeless Cleanup

Xi has been credited with the San Francisco Homeless Cleanup because, due to his arrival at this week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders’ summit, the administration in San Francisco has decided to clean house and take action against the city’s infamous homelessness. Critics claim that the Democratic-led municipal administration in

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Self-Driving Taxi Kills Dog In San Francisco

A self-driving taxi reportedly killed a dog on Toland Street in San Francisco while the car was operating in “autonomous mode” with a test driver present in the front seat. A Waymo self-driving car killed a small dog in San Francisco while in “autonomous mode” last month, the latest in a string

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Twitter employees caught Spying for Saudi Arabia

Former Twitter Employees Caught Spying For Saudi Arabia

Two former Twitter employees have been caught spying for Saudi Arabia. Company workers reportedly obtained personal account information of critics of the government in the Kingdom. Two former Twitter employees have been charged with spying after they reportedly obtained personal account information for critics of the government of Saudi Arabia.

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