Breaking: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Rise In Neurological Deaths – Study

Breaking: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Rise In Neurological Deaths - Study 1

A recent study using CDC data has uncovered a worrying trend: a significant increase in deaths from neurological diseases among young adults aged 15-44 in the United States. The study, conducted by Phinance Technologies, highlights a sharp rise in deaths where neurological conditions were either the primary cause or a contributing factor, especially from 2020 […]

Japan Faces Deadly Flesh-Eating Bacterial Outbreak

Japan Faces Deadly Flesh-Eating Bacterial Outbreak 1

Japan grapples with a surge in cases of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), a rare but deadly bacterial infection, with 1,019 documented cases and 77 deaths since January 2024, according to the Washington Post. According to the Washington Post, health experts are concerned about the recent surge in rare but deadly bacterial illness cases in […]