National Endowment for Democracy

GGI INTEL: How CIA Is Plotting Color Revolution In Indonesia 1

GGI INTEL: How CIA Is Plotting Color Revolution In Indonesia

Documents provided by sources in the intelligence community to GreatGameInternational have uncovered a startling plan by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a controversial organization linked to the CIA, to influence Indonesia’s elections. The current President, Joko Widodo, who is very popular, can’t run for a third term. NED is

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Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Brought Down By British Secret Service

Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Brought Down By British Secret Service

A Ukranian whistleblower Former Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Prozorov of the Ukrainian Security Services has revealed with evidence from classified documents he attained through his own high-ranking position that the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 or MH-17 tragedy was orchestrated by British Secret Service with Ukrainian Security Service using the 156 Anti-Aircraft

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