
How China's Secret Military Documents Were Sold For $1 1

How China’s Secret Military Documents Were Sold For $1

China’s State Security Ministry disclosed that classified military documents were purchased for 85 cents by a retiree named “Grandpa Zhang.” The sale involved eight volumes, costing less than $4 total. The State Security Ministry of China announced on Thursday that, for the low cost of 85 cents, a retiree had

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How The US Military-Industrial-Complex Is Heavily Dependent On China 1

How The US Military-Industrial-Complex Is Heavily Dependent On China

According to a Govini report, despite efforts to reduce reliance, the US Military-Industrial Complex is increasingly dependent on Chinese suppliers, highlighting vulnerabilities in critical military technologies. The U.S. Navy cut 40 percent of Chinese suppliers out of its “critical technologies” supply chains last year. The Army was able to cut

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Ukrainian Military Pilot Defects To Russia

A Russian military strike helicopter pilot, named by TASS as Aleksey Voevoda, informed TASS that a Ukrainian military pilot defected to Russia. According to TASS on Saturday, a military pilot from the Armed Forces of Ukraine has defected to Russia. The story cited an individual who is said to have

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US Army Freezes In The Arctic

Senior Army officers and civilians delivered a candid assessment of the freezing challenges the US Army faced in operating in the Arctic during a panel discussion at the Association of the U.S. Army’s (AUSA) main annual convention in Washington, D.C. In order for the U.S. Army to be able to

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US To Deploy 2000 Troops To Israel

The Wall Street Journal has reported that a US source has revealed that the US is going to deploy 2000 troops to Israel. According to the Pentagon, 2,000 soldiers have been chosen and are being prepared for possible deployment to support Israel as it fights Hamas in Gaza and maybe

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France Refuses To Withdraw Military From Former Colony Niger

France Refuses To Withdraw Military From Former Colony Niger

France has emphasized its commitment to upholding five military cooperation pacts with Niger, as these agreements were entered into with the lawful authorities of the West African nation. This stance remains unchanged despite the newly established junta in the former colony urging the revocation of these agreements. “France recalls that

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Join The Military, Become A US Citizen

Due to struggling to overcome recruiting shortfalls, the Army and the Air Force have bolstered their marketing efforts to encourage individuals to join the military and also highlight the opportunity to become a US citizen through military service. When Esmita Spudes Bidari was a young girl in Nepal, she dreamed

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Ukraine Would Collapse In Days Without West’s Military Supplies

According to EuroNews, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said at an event last Friday in Florence that Ukraine would collapse in days without the West’s military supplies. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has made some surprisingly blunt admissions regarding Ukraine’s support from the West in some recent interviews,

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