
Trump Shooter Had 3 Encrypted Overseas Accounts 1

Trump Shooter Had 3 Encrypted Overseas Accounts

Rep. Mike Waltz revealed on FOX News that the shooter who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump had three encrypted overseas accounts, hinting at a possible international conspiracy. He criticized the Secret Service for failing to provide adequate protection and suggested that the attack could be linked to broader

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Inside Iran's Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy 1

Inside Iran’s Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy

In a controversial prisoner exchange between Sweden and Iran, a convicted Iranian torturer Hamid Noury was traded for two Swedish citizens. Noury had committed severe human rights abuses, yet Iran secured his return in exchange for releasing the Swedes falsely accused of espionage and other charges. This exchange highlights Iran’s

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How International Oil Companies Are Smuggling Over 1000 Oil Tankers Everyday 1

How International Oil Companies Are Smuggling Over 1000 Oil Tankers Everyday

International oil companies operating in Kurdistan continue to smuggle over 1,000 oil tankers daily amid a pipeline shutdown since March 2023. According to Reuters investigations, this illicit trade routes crude through Iran and Turkey, generating approximately $200 million monthly despite regulatory challenges. Although Kurdistan hasn’t been able to export its

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List Of Countries Hosting The Most Refugees 1

List Of Countries Hosting The Most Refugees

According to data from UNHCR, as of mid-2023, there are 36.5 million refugees worldwide. Countries like Iran and Turkey host the most refugees due to their proximity to conflict zones. Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and South Sudan have the highest number of people fleeing. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) forecasts that

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