
How Chinese Dams are causing Droughts in Asia

How Chinese Dams Are Causing Droughts In Asia

Ever since China erected a cascade of giant dams on the Mekong, droughts have become more frequent and intense in the downriver countries like India. Although China has promised to release more dam water for the drought-stricken countries, this offer only highlights their newfound reliance on Chinese goodwill — a

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India loses $7 Billion WTO case against US

India Loses $7 Billion WTO Case Against US

India has lost a $7 billion WTO case against US.  Meanwhile China has won its case with the WTO now allowing the Chinese to impose a $3.6 billion sanction on American goods. The verdict comes days after India and US officially suspended defense cooperation in what is now giving rise

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RCEP Agreement Threat to India's Seed Sovereignty

RCEP Agreement – Threat To India’s Seed Sovereignty

We are opening the doors that guard our farmers’ agricultural produce against exploitation. The RCEP agreement, if implemented, will bypass the WTO and offload all the excess agricultural produce from China into the Indian markets freely. Shifting our balance of payment and food sovereignty into the hands of China will

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How India Russia Partnership help Venezuela bypass US sanctions

India Russia Partnership Help Venezuela Bypass US Sanctions

Hugo Chavez, the former President used to roam the streets of Venezuela in tanks filled with Gold bars displaying to his countrymen how their Gold and Oil would be used to pull the nation out of the Petrodollar system. Chavez is assassinated before fulfilling his dream and Venezuela has gone

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India US officially suspends Defense cooperation

India US Officially Suspends Defense Cooperation

In a major development brewing for sometime now, India and US have officially suspended Defense Cooperation after Americans refused to give India high-end jet-engine technology. At the heart of the Indo-US Strategic Partnership is what is known as the Defense Technology and Trade Initiative or DTTI. Under the 2012 DTTI, India

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How China tookover Indian markets

How China Tookover Indian Markets

Chinese are dominating industries like mobile phones and are about to grab the lion’s share of the television and home appliances industries. China is now emerging as one of the biggest investors in Indian start-ups taking over Indian markets with a storm. How China tookover Indian markets How China tookover

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India US Trade War

India US Trade War

According to leaked information of a high-level meeting, the United States and India’s failure to reach a long-expected trade deal on Sept. 24 has sparked fears of a full-fledged India US trade war.[toc] India US Trade War Failed Negotiations On Sept. 24, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Indian Commerce

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Russo American Alliance against Deep State

Russo American Alliance Against Deep State

Russian mercenaries are reportedly on the ground supporting renegade General Khalifa Haftar known as ‘CIA’s man in Libya’ against the United Nations backed Government of National Accord – in what is now being called as the Russo American Alliance against the Deep State.[toc] Russo American Alliance against Deep State More

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