HSBC Believes That $22 Billion Byju’s Is Now Worth Zero 1

HSBC Believes That $22 Billion Byju’s Is Now Worth Zero

HSBC, in a recent assessment of the company, revealed that it believes the $22 billion Byju’s is now worth zero, citing financial mismanagement, missed sales targets, governance issues, and the exit of key auditors and board members. In a recent research report, HSBC calculated that the $22 billion valuation of

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Taliban India Prisoner Swap

Global Terrorist Released In US Brokered Taliban India Prisoner Swap

A designated Global Terrorist and Opium King, Abdul Rashid Baluch has been released in a US-brokered Taliban-India prisoner swap. The Afghan Taliban have confirmed that it has freed at least three Indian hostages in exchange for the release of at least 11 Taliban commanders from a high-security prison in Afghanistan

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Motech Software How Reliance stashed Black Money in Swiss Banks

Motech Software – How Reliance Stashed Black Money In Swiss Banks

Motech Software – how Reliance stashed Black Money in Swiss Banks and later snapped all ties with the shell firm after money laundering probe was initiated. The biggest Indian account holder with nearly USD 500 million in Geneva branch, its website now hosts porn. Coincidentally the same Income Tax Commissioner’s

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